A Place For Thinking in English way

Let's Talk, Listen, Write, Read And THINK in English

A Place For Thinking in English way

Let's Talk, Listen, Write, Read And THINK in English

Start Again

As you know, we always want to do something, but after a while we lose our motive for doing that...  this is what happened about this weblog! but now, we are some friends who want to improve our English language... we work at microGod Co together.  (http://www.microgod.org)    

On the other hand, my another friend, Mohsen, is working hard on a very ideal goal... I hope he have had enough time to write here
I also invite my friends, Reza, Sajad and Ehsan to join us to write here and I want Mrs.Rod to help us in our Engish and correct our posts

Finally, I hope we work as hard as it's possible for our life
I hope we understand what we want and after it, we do what we understood

Excuse me, I took a mistake!

I should ask you that excuse me, because I was wrong in one of my notes: "Our Needs!" .
I said we have six needs and one of them is "wanting money". That's wrong. Because "wanting money" isn't one of our main needs. That's one of our needs that leads to "wanting relaxing" or "wanting society degree".
Wanting money never can be one our wishing. We always want to have a lot of money to be more eminent human in the society or to be more relax in the life. So as you see that isn't one of our main needs.
The last and sixth need is "wanting kindness".
We want to be loved by other people in many places in our life. As the same as other needs, "wanting kindness" comes from our nature and so that's infinite. (If you come back to yourself, you'll see that it's one of our main and infinite needs.)
Because of those needs are infinite and we want to support them as much as possible, we should look for an existent that satisfy us.
That existent only can be an infinite existent.
Also when we say that God never has any kind of defects, therefore he is the infinite existent. (because if an existent has just a small defect, it won't be infinite.)
An example of my notes:
We want to be relax infinitely. We can have it only by God.
….and God says:
"الا بذکر الله تطمئن القلوب"
It means: Only reminding God relaxes us.
And the other example:
"هو الجمیل و یحب الجمال"
"هو الاول و الاخر"
They mean: "He is beautiful and loves beautiful" and "He is the first and the last".
We can understand that he is beautiful and also he is the first and the last of beautifully. It shows that "wanting beautiful" only can be supported by God.
Therefore we see that the answer of our needs leads to God and we can support them only by God and a religion like Islam come from our nature.

The fact of our needs!

Hi. it's my second note about our needs. If this is your first visit to this weblog, I ask you that read the last post in this subject ,please.

I said we have only six main needs that all of other needs lead to those. I ask if you think that you know a need that doesn't lead to them, introduce it to me. I'll answer to your discovery!

But any way, the answer of my last question is unlimited.

I mean our needs in those ways are unlimited. For example "wanting beautiful" is an unlimited need because if you see a beautiful flower then some body comes and says "I have a more beautiful one", you'll want to see that new flower.

Another example: if you are the boss of a city you'll like to be the president of a country and after that more… .

Therefore our needs are unlimited and we never can support them unless … .

A question: is there an unlimited object in the world?

Another more: how many unlimited things can we have in a world?

God in the quran says:

فاقِم وَجهَکَ لِدّینِ حَنیفا فِطرَتَ اللهِ التی فَطَرَ الناس عَلیها ...

It means: "then set your face upright the religion in the right state, the nature made by allah in which he has made men".

So we see that our nature needs an infinite (an existent without any limitation) because god created us on the base of his nature. Also we know that his nature is infinite (because if he isn't an infinite he will have defect and this is one the impossible adjectives for God)

It's clear when we have a nature that needs infinite we can't be satisfied by some limited thing like money, a social power, a beautiful human or something like those.

So we should look for an infinite existent. Now it's better to thinking about that existent.

Who is he?

How is he?

Please wait for the next post, in the paulo postfuture … .

Our Needs!

I want to say some things about our NEEDS. Every thing that we do in our life is related to our needs. For example, when we drink some water absolutely we are thirsty. When we hope to be a boss, absolutely we want to have more money or more power or both of them in the society and some things like that.
So as you see, we do every thing to support our needs.
- What do you think about our needs?
- What are they?
- How many are they?
Let me that I explain them: we only have 5 needs. Our needs are "wanting money", "wanting power", "wanting social degrees", "wanting science", "wanting beautiful", and "wanting relaxing".
All of our jobs in our life come from those needs and in fact all of 5 first points lead to the last one "wanting relaxing".
If you think just a couple of times, you'll understand that all of our jobs lead to those six points.
Now I have question a from you:
- How much are those needs?
- When do they finish?
- How much money will support the need "wanting money"?
- How much beautiful is enough?
I wait for your answers.
I'll explain them in the next passage.

Inviting our Friends in the University

When I thought to start a blog to think in English, I told my thought to some of my friends in the University (Science and Culture (Jahad Daneshgahi)) but they didn't pay attention to me! but I told them that I would start that, because I understood the necessary of being professon in English.
In the night of that day, I create this weblog and now, I told one of my friends who interested in English! and he felt so Happy! I didn't expect that he felt like that! but he told me it's great and he invites the other friends in the university to join us! so I told to my good friend Majid, please do enough Advertisment about that and he accepts that. and I'm so happy that we will have a great weblog that contains of many University students who intersted in English and wants to improve their professon in it.
‌But as you know, when you want to invite many people to a special place you should have your Terms to help you make your place better than past and don't let anybody to hurt your place (ofcourse  without intent). Ok
so be patient to see our Terms to join everybody who interested in English Here.
Have a good Time

Next Step, Introducing our Thought

We thought that we are going to ILI (Iran Lanuguage Istitute) to learn English to find the ability of talking and also understanding book texts and Englsih radios and TV and so on ... But we understood that it's not enough! as you know, we are Lazy students :D of course, I can describe why we are like that , because we have so many things to do and although we agree with ourselves about the importance of English, we don't spend enough time for improving our English ! and sometimes worse than that! we do our homework in the path of going to ILI! it's DreadFul (we have this word in Pre3) you know ... and some times we are lucky because our teacher doesn't ask us to go for answering Dialog and Passage.
Anyway, I want to start to read my English Book and summary our lessons here to make myself to think in English and learn English words and meaning of them and also how to use them.
My way in that is typing new words in every lesson, then describing some of them, typing summary of Dialog , Passage and Grammer of the lesson and generally every newthing that I learned in the Class.
By the way (I searched my Pre2 Book to find this expression that tells the listener or reader that the subject will change) we invite everybody who reads this weblog to join us, as a teacher or as a classmate.
Finally do not forget to comment for us and Courage us:D

My First Note To ...

In the name of God
I'm Mohsen Mohammadian. I should explain somethings about this new weblog that Hani named it " Think-In-English"
Hani and me are two frinds. We both are learning English language in "Iran Language Institute" .Yesterday evening Hani called me and said "I have an idea to improve our English language". He told me that we should product a weblog in English and we will write all of our sentences in English too. Also he said we will invite our frinds to correct us.
I was agree with him. Therefore we did that and now we and you have a place to think, talk and write in English to improve our abilities.
I'm sure that God will help us in this good way.
Now I'm inviting you to come here and start to think, talk and Write in English ...